

Understanding the Lanterman Act


A Key to Independence for Californians with Disabilities

The Lanterman Act provides hope and support to Californians with developmental disabilities. It shows the state’s dedication to helping disabled people fully participate in society.

What is the Lanterman Act?

What is the Lanterman Act?

The Lanterman Act helps people with disabilities get the support and services they need to live independent and fulfilling lives. 

Key Benefits

Key Benefits of the Lanterman Act

The Lanterman Act employs personalized support plans to meet the needs of the plan’s participants. These plans promote access to educational, vocational, and residential assistance. All of the Lanterman Act’s services advocate for the protection and respect of the rights of people with disabilities. 

Individualized Support Plans

Access to Services

Protection of Rights

Resources and Support

Resources and Support

The Lanterman Act provides access to a variety of resources and support services. This Act empowers individuals and families by allowing them to connect with regional centers that serve as primary contact points and understand the wide range of services available, including legal and advocacy assistance.

Eligibility and Application Process

Eligibility and Application Process

Getting Started with the Lanterman Act

Step 1 - Determine Eligibility
Step 2 - Complete the Application Process
Step 3 - Receive Support* *(If Qualified)
Call to Action

Connect with A Mother’s Love Foundation for Guidance

Do you need help applying for Lanterman Act benefits?

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